Monday, October 23, 2017

Softer Side of Fall

H created this unique entry piece  that sits on the porch right by the front door.    He married a dresser bottom to some kind of top that I'm not sure what it was in it's previous life.....anyway.....I really do like it.
  I wanted to put together a fall vignette on it this morning and after about an hour of fighting the stiff breeze,   I gave in.....kind of!     I decided to include all the leaves blowing around me in my vignette.

I used a vintage buggy that a dear friend gave me to be the base for my fall vignette......

I decorated above it......on it.....and around it.

I made a nest on my buggy with a small pink can can.     I put silk flowers in the nest and topped it off with a baby boo pumpkin!     After all,   I gotta have a baby in the!

Then I started filling in under the buggy.......

I filled in behind the buggy with fall flowers,  foliage,  and baby boo pumpkins.....

Now to fill in around the front of the buggy.....

I placed the buggy's sun shade in this part of the vignette.......

I filled it with flowers and a baby boo pumpkin.......

Then I changed my mind and took out the pumpkins and replaced it with a nest.

In the photo on the left,   you can see the sun shade a little better without all that fall decor in it!

I can't leave the area below the buggy undecorated ......can I!

I filled the drawers with some of the leaves that were blowing around and placed a rose bouquet in each drawer.   

I have a vintage scale next to the entry piece that put a tall rusty can on so I would  have a place to set my jack o'lantern 

My jack o'lantern is made from an old gas can.    I put a string of battery operated fairy lights in his mouth to give him a "bright smile"  to welcome our trick or treater's.

I love to sit out here on the porch  and have coffee in the morning.   

The temp here in Eastern New Mexico in the early morning is about 50 degree's,  so I keep a blanket handy.     

Happy Fall Ya'll!


  1. I love that vintage buggy. such an adorable way to use it, too.

  2. I am so drawn to that vintage scale. I suppose because it makes me think of the nostalgia of old time medicine.

  3. Wow. I love how you decorate. You make me wish that my church pews on my front porch were smaller so I'd have room for a dresser! Love that you incorporated the blowing leaves.
    :) gwing

  4. This is so beautiful & wonderfully decorated. Love it <3 Thanks for sharing with us.


  5. The vintage buggy is fantastic!
    Hugs Alessandra

  6. Penny,
    Love the vintage buggy!!! so cute and the Jack O Lantern made out of a old can is priceless!! You know that I have always envied the size of your porch!!

  7. I love how you embraced the leaves blowing around and used them in your vignette. It retains the fall colors and mixes so beautifully with the soft colors you used.

  8. That's a very pretty vignette Penny! It embraces shabby chic which I love and marries it with farmhouse decor. Love the pumpkins & jack o'lantern! Wow, to have a friend that gives you a baby buggy like that!

  9. That buggy is wonderful! Thanks for sharing your pretty mantel!

  10. I truly LOVE your style--it's awesome. Pinned it--thanks for linking up!


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