Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Bringing Home the Tree

I created a fun Christmas  vignette on the piano mantel this morning that I'm calling Bringing Home the Tree 

The  Christmas pictures on the piano are made with prints that I got from the Print It board on my Pinterest account.    H made the frames for the prints from corrugated cardboard and used 3M spray to attach the prints to his frames....... it was a very budget friendly project!    

Welcome to Old Man Winters Christmas Tree Farm......

All my cars are's so trendy this holiday season.....everything you see is plaid!

Here's how you bring home your Christmas tree when all you have is a convertible......

Now for a close up of the other end of the Christmas piano mantel......

Again,   the cars are plaid.....

I have a child picking out her tree to bring home......

Even the tree's are!

Most of my white trees came from the 90% off isle at Hobby Lobby last year.......

I have snow balls strung across the front of the piano.......

What kind of tree will you bring home this year?


  1. Penny, I absolutely love the tree farm on the piano. Everything is so pretty. I love pictures/signs of old trucks and cars carrying trees home. Just so beautiful at your house. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Penny, that's such an amazing "pianoscape!!" You've done a remarkable job on putting a story together - just love it - it's so YOU!

    You've got me looking forward to my holiday decorating - thanks for the inspiration! : - )

    Hugs! ♥

  3. You know how to make a wonderfully lovely vignette! Would not have expected anything less!!

  4. How cute! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  5. Wonderful decorations and vignettes
    Hugs Alessandra

  6. Penny,
    Love it!! This is so big this year for Christmas!! LOVE the trees and can'r believe that you got them for 90% off!! I have the upstairs and Dining Room decorated and am starting the Living Room...

  7. DARLING !! Adorable idea ! You are very clever!! Love the corrugated cardboard frames!!!

  8. I haven't even thought about Christmas yet but I love all the old car pictures! Thanks for sharing at The Blogger's Pit Stop! Roseann from

  9. You're house is already so magical! Love it all. Thanks for sharing with our link party!

  10. The corrugated frame idea is just darling...who would ever think corrugated cardboard could be so cute??? Love all the plaids, and love your whole piano mantel! Such a clever idea.

  11. I'm in love with this holiday vignette. The cardboard frames are everything. Thanks for sharing on Sunday's Best.

  12. love these!

    Sheri @ Hazel + Gold Designs


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