Sunday, November 12, 2017

Week End Treasure Hunt

The weather here in Eastern New Mexico is still very mild (60's and 70's) for it to be the middle of November.    With the warm weather,   there were several yard sales over the week end.

I think I will find a place for my $5 metal windmill on my Christmas mantel......

The clock doesn't work on this $6 wood windmill,   but I thought it was still a good buy.     Should I paint it pink?

Pink Thanksgiving decor is pretty hard to find so,   I was happy to get a set of s&p shakers,  an odd salt shaker and 1 turkey candle holder.

I don't normally buy Hot Wheels,  but I could see these pink ones in a Christmas vignette.....

4 silver cups......

Put a few touches of pink paint on this paint brush and it will fit right in with my Christmas decor.

I thought this wicker wine picnic basket was unique and well worth the $3 I paid for it.

It has everything in it to have a picnic except the wine....... 

The two dusty wine glasses amazingly had not been all I need is a bottle of wine and a warm afternoon!

Are you finding any yard sales in your area?    Tell me about them if you are!


  1. What great finds! I love the metal windmill, especially!

  2. Penny,
    Great finds!! I bet you were ecstatic over finding those 2 wind mills to go with your decor!!!

  3. I love how your mind works! Most of us would never think of those items (except the turkeys) with the holidays in mind, but with your eyes, and your pink paintbrush, I can sure see every single piece being used expertly in upcoming Holiday decor!
    :) gwingal

  4. Great finds! The paint brush is very pretty
    Hugs Alessandra

  5. Wonderful finds Penny! Thanks for sharing at Snickerdoodle.

  6. You always find the great things - it is a skill

  7. You are such a terrific garage saler. I cannot believe how wonderful your weather is. It would be so wonderful to life in that climate.


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