Thursday, June 14, 2018

Inside the Summer Greenhouse

The inside of the greenhouse looks very different in the summer and fall than it does in the spring and winter.   

 In the spring the greenhouse is full of plants waiting for it to warm up enough for them to permanently move outside.    In the winter,    the greenhouse is used to store back yard decor.     But,   in the summer and fall the greenhouse is used for relaxing and entertaining.

Come on in and take a look around the summer greenhouse!

We had a hail storm in late April that damaged the clear plastic panels that were on the roof.    H decided to replace the panels with a metal roof,,,,,,,,,,,,,and I decided to freshen up the inside while he was putting the roof on.

Since I don't use the potting table during the summer,     I put a headboard bench in front of it.    I really like the bench there because I can sit and look out through the open doors and enjoy the yard.

I had an extra headboard laying around,    so H made a second bench to put in the greenhouse.

When we entertain in the back yard,    our guests free to roam around !      They can sit on the the the tea room......the studio........or any of the chairs scattered around the yard.     The new bench in the greenhouse will get plenty of use on the 4th of July.

I shared a sneak peek of the new decor above the potting bench in a previous post,  

So,   some of you may have already seen this part of the summer greenhouse.     But for those that didn't see my previous post,    I'll share them again.

I didn't make any changes to the potting bench,    but I did add a lamp on each side.

I added some moss covered chicken wire to   "naked" lamp shades.

I secured the chicken wire to the lamp frame with pink fabric bows.     Then,   I clipped sweet cow pictures to the lamp frame.     

Here's the lamp on the other side 

I did the same thing to this lamp.......

AND.....I remembered to get a before photo of this one!       I already had the other lamp decorated before I remembered to do that!

I found my moss covered chicken wire at Hobby Lobby in the ribbon isle.

I have a small white wicker coffee table in the middle of the seating.

I used a pink pig metal watering can to create a simple centerpiece for my small coffee table.

The only chair I have in the summer greenhouse gives the area a pop of color.

I gave more pops of color by adding some fresh flowers from the yard......

The roses are just beginning to bloom again,    but there are lots of other plants in the yard that are in full bloom.

There are lots of flowers on the butterfly bushes and the yard is full of white butterflies.      Funny,   but I haven't seen anything but white butterflies in the yard this summer.

The day lilies are blooming.......

I still have two area's in the greenhouse that need attention.      This is the area behind the door........

And here's the area behind the other door that needs attention.         

Thank you so much for stopping by......come back soon!


  1. It looks wonderful as usual!!

  2. I love that pink pig, perfect for a centerpiece.

  3. Really cute ! Love the lampshade idea !!!

  4. Oh my goodness, magical! The second I arrived at your blog and saw the beautiful header, I was hooked! Stopped by from the SITS Saturday Sharefest. Looking forward to exploring here!

  5. Thank you for taking me to your magic place, so enchanting!

  6. This is a gorgeous space! You are very creative! Thanks for sharing...

  7. What a blessings to be able to sit there and enjoy your yard!

  8. love how you always put as much effort into every little area, so pretty and one that I would love to be as lucky as you to relax
    come see us at

  9. This is just lovely and looks so inviting!

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. The pig watering can is just too cute! I love it!

  11. Penny,
    I just adore those pink benches!!! So many pretty things!! Also those chippy bird houses caught my eye too!! Just beautiful!!

  12. What a gorgeous use of the space, your guests are very lucky!

  13. Your summer greenhouse looks so shabbiliciously gorgeous Penny. It must be lovely to spend time in there.
    Thank you for sharing it at Create, Bake, Grow & Gather this week. I'm delighted to be featuring your greenhouse at tonight's party and pinning too!

  14. So pretty and inviting! Thanks so much for sharing with us at the Summer Time Fun Linky party. Pinned.

  15. Hi Penny, it is always so fun to come tour your home and yard, so many little details I love to look at. The moss covered chicken wire is interesting new craft product I have not seen yet. The lampshade is really cute with the pictures.
    Thank you for sharing on Oh my heartsie GIrls WW, hope to see you again soon!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  16. I love your decor SO much Penny -
    Thanks for sharing with us at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy –
    Congrats on being one of our Featured Bloggers this week!

  17. Oh my...that is great. I love it!

  18. How cute is this? I just love it. Thanks for sharing at Keep In Touch.

  19. What a wonderful place to hang out during the summer. It's so neat that you change things up for each season. It's like you're creating your own staycation place right at home.


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