Wednesday, June 13, 2018

New Metal Roof on the Greenhouse and a Sneak Peek of the Inside

Back on April 9th,    I shared the progress I was making on my mini makeover in the greenhouse.       I got busy with put my makeover on hold.       Fast forward to April 29th ...........we had a big storm and the greenhouse roof suffered a lot of hail damage.      Almost all of the panels had hail damage and the entire top section of the  roof had to be replaced.     H decided that he would put a metal roof on the greenhouse this time to avoid hail damage in the future.

Makeover on April 9th.....................................................................Sneak Peek at new makeover

Look at all those big holes in the roof!

H took all the panels off .........

I'm not a roofer,   so about all I could do to help H was to hand him tools and cold drinks while he was up on the roof.

Here''s a photo of the first metal panels he put on,.........

Here's a photo of the last metal panel that H put on the roof.

I love the new metal panels......they give the greenhouse a farmhouse look!

Now that the roof is on,    it's my turn to finish the makeover that I started in April. 

  Here's how it looked when I started.

I hung an architectural piece on the beam over the potting bench.      Then,    I placed a wooden Farmhouse sign on the top shelf of the potting bench.

I got both pieces in the 75% off isle at Hobby Lobby yesterday.......$ $12.50

I decorated the potting bench with weathered birdhouses and a basket of white petunia's that I planted in a pink water hose.

I hung chandeliers filled with bird nests on each side of the farmhouse sign. 

Today,     H is giving the benches for the greenhouse a coat of pink paint and I'm adding some of the final decorating touches.         

I hope you'll come back to visit when I reveal the complete makeover!


  1. This is absolutely beautiful, its more beautiful than most homes I know. Love, love, love your blog!!!

  2. Penny, So very pretty. That roof will last much longer than the plexiglass panels. You husband is a very handy man. We women love those kind. LOL. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. I'm sorry that you had to deal with the hail damage. :( But I can see that you turned those lemons into lemonade! Stunning!

  4. What a darling greenhouse!!! Wish I had one just like it!!!♥

  5. I would love to have such a darling greenhouse to play with!! I know that was a lot of work but well worth it.

  6. This looks like a lovely get away. The new roof will be more sturdy when you get bad weather.

  7. I love the addition of the metal roof! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  8. Penny,
    Playing catch up again!!! Wow!! That was some damage from the hail! I think I like the metal roof better and as you said, it gives it a farmhouse feel.... Love those chandy's!!

  9. I typically had over tools and pieces too since I'm no help with the actual building. Thanks so much for sharing with us at the Summer Time Fun Linkky party. Pinned.

  10. Great post. This is adorable. I love the metal roof. I'll have to show this to Bill. I want to turn his shed into a pop up shop for Christmas. Thanks for sharing at Keep In Touch.

  11. Wow! This is amazing Penny! There is so much eye candy in there that I am glad I read your text or I would have missed some of the details. Those are wonderful deals that you got at Hobby Lobby. Congrats for being featured over at "Make It Pretty Monday" blog party.


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