Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Garden Harvest

Our garden is really producing this summer~       H planted a Jalapeno pepper plant in the middle of my Zinnia cart and it has been a fight all summer to see which plant will take over the cart.....lol!

The photo on the left shows the cart at the beginning of the summer.....   The photo on the right  was taken yesterday..............

Who thinks my Zinnia's are taking over???

The greenhouse stays pretty hot,  so the tomato buckets around the yard are producing the best right now.

We also have some bell peppers and green chili plants that are producing.....

                     The tomato plants in the greenhouse are tall but are not producing right now.

One reason that the garden is producing so well this summer is because of all the rain we have been getting......  On the left,  you can see a street covered in water.   On the right, you can see a park walkway covered in water.

See how the water has covered the tree trunks at a local park.....
This walkway disappears into the little pond....

I took this photo the first part of July when our fireworks were postponed because of all the rain.    Everyone gathers around this pond for the "Smoke on the Water" fireworks....more than 10,000 people come, but as you can see there was nowhere to sit!      The city set up big pumps to lower the pond and we had the fireworks a day late.

As summer is coming to a close,  I am thinking about how I can "fallify" this hay wheelbarrow with some pumpkins or maybe some fall flowers.....


  1. That's a lot of water. California would love to have it!

  2. hello
    nous aussi en Normandie ( France ) nous avons eu beaucoup de pluie et des orages
    mais cela n'as pas été très positif pour nos fleurs , elles sont toutes laides
    les rosiers aussi , j'ai un jardin bien triste
    j'admire vos légumes bien appétissants
    edith (iris)

  3. Love that cart, Penny!! We have not had much rain this Summer until yesterday where we got about 2 inches of a nice gentle 36 hour rain. My little back yard needed it desperately. Thank Goodness that we did not get all the rain and flooding that it caused like other parts of the Northeast.
    I am enjoying tomatoes this year from an Amish farmer that sets up every Friday at one of the Gas Station/Quick Markets that is right down the road from us. His tomatoes are larger than your hand!!


  4. Rose (above) is right..California would be ecstatic to have it. We had a warnin in the paper this morning that if things don't turn around soon...there will be no more car washing..no more decorative fountains, no more spa's/hot tubs, or swimming pool filling, no more watering gardens except for twice a week..NO watering of lawns, and if caught with water in the gutters in front of your home? A helft fine.
    Your greenhouse and yards are looking wonderful as are your veggies. Lovely, Penny! Everything is just lovely and I admit to coveting your water. :)
    xxoo Mona


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