Sunday, May 28, 2017

Repurposing a Hat Display Stand

When I had my booth,   I bought a black iron stand at the auction to display the vintage hats for sale in my booth    I closed my booth a couple of years ago and this black iron piece has been sitting out in the storage area behind the studio.     H and I have been cleaning out some of these storage areas around the yard (we have more than one area that collects things  

When I came across my hat stand,   I knew it was so big that I either needed to get rid of it or think of a way to repurpose it!    I had an idea for a makeover so I kept it!

See the arms that are around the unit and the little round piece to set your hat on?

I wired black metal window boxes to two of the arms.......I hung flower baskets on a couple of arms......I hung vintage watering cans on a couple of the arms......I even hung a wheel thingy that I found laying in one of my other flower beds.

This "log" that is at the bottom of the foot
board is actually a piece of petrified wood that belonged to my dad.?    It's pretty heavy since it is now stone instead of wood!

H and I found 4 yellow sinks in a small storage "hall" behind the Tuff shed.    The sinks landed there when we remodeled the bathrooms a few years ago.    I decided to either get rid of them or repurpose them!    As soon as H gets the drain holes plugged,   I will use them as bird baths.   I put one sink on each side of the old bathtub....still leaves me 2 more to find a place for!

I moved my big blue pot from another area of the yard and potted it with some pretty white flowers.    

Before                                            After

The Tuff shed you see in the background is H's .......he stores his tools and stuff in there,     (I also have a "few" boxes of Christmas that he lets me store in there too)    I really need to get rid of some of my seasonal!

Here's a close up of H's storage shed.    I'll show you the other side of his area when we get it cleaned up a little better.    

So here's how the north side of the studio looks now..  
 We added metal screen protectors to each side of the shutters.....does anyone remember years ago when these were on the front of everyone's screen door to protect the screen from being pushed out?  
 I relocated my geese from the front yard ....they've been out there for about more than 10 years.   They belonged to my parents.    I gave each one of them a pretty fluffy tulle bow around the neck.
  H screwed a smaller screen protector to the foot board on the right and I set another one in front of the heat and cooling unit for the studio.   It doesn't show in this photo but you saw it earlier.
Yellow sinks,,,, now bird baths....are on each side of the tub
And of course the new plant stand formerly known as a hat stand

Last week..........................................this week

Now I need to work on the east side of the bathtub!    See you soon with the makeover on that side!


  1. This project seriously wowed me Penny! I have a goose statue like that, so cute :) The ferns, vines and geraniums add so much charm. I love how it added height visually. Thanks for sharing with us at Dishing It & Digging It.

  2. Penny,
    Love the repurposed hat stand!! Very clever!! And I like the yellow sinks too. Your outdoor space never ceases to amaze me!!

  3. At first I thought you had 2 REAL geese in your garden! Ha ha! Your garden and relaxing spots are so wonderful!

  4. Your new project is amazing. You are always so inventive
    Hugs Alessandra

  5. I love the bathtub! It's so fun. The headboard fence is amazing too. I love those screen things. They make perfect wall art.

  6. I love this area of your yard! That pink bathtub is awesome. And the hat stand gave you some much needed height to the area. Love the geese's bow ties!
    :) gwingal

  7. Thanks for sharing with us your lovely repurposing idea at #overthemoon link party. I'm sharing on social media. Hope to see you at next week's linkup

  8. This is really beautiful! I love it and thanks for sharing this at C&C with J&J!
    Enjoy the week.
    Julie xo

  9. I love the bathtub flower garden! That is fantastic! Thanks for sharing your garden with us at Merry Monday this week!

  10. You always have the prettiest yard! It's just gorgeous. Hugs, CoCo

  11. This is such a creative and gorgeous idea. Thank you for sharing it #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty.

  12. This is such a super cute idea and your yard is adorable! Love!

  13. The bathtub flower garden us such a cute idea! Thank you for sharing with us this week at Celebrate Your Story, and have a great weekend.

  14. I love the repurposed hat stand. I think have one of a kind items add charm and a uniqueness to our homes. This looks great.

  15. A great idea to repurpose and it looks lovely. Thanks for sharing with us at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I'm sharing on social media.
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

  16. I love the repurposed hat stand. Your yard has so many different and creative little nooks. It is amazing. Thank you for sharing with #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I've shared on social media.

  17. Finding ways to show off your plants is a wonderful idea. I love it. Useful and pretty and really unique and it does a great job of adding a vertical focal point in that corner of your yard. Great idea!

  18. They way you used the hat stand is just brilliant Penny, it created such a lovely statement piece to showcase all your gorgeous flowers and ferns. And I love that explosion of color in the pink bathtub Wow!!

  19. I do remember those screen door protectors! I'm dated now! You did such a good job with the stand.The combination of it and the door protectors added to the wall really made a difference. Looks great! Thank you for sharing at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty!

  20. Very nice, I like it! Thanks Penny for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I shared this post.

  21. What an awesome way to repurpose a hat stand! Love! :)

    Thank you so much for sharing this at the Farmhouse Friday link party! Pinned! :)

  22. Congrats Penny! Your post is Featured at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty. See here:

  23. Penny, your repurposed hat rack is perfect as a garden statement piece! It plays beautiful with the bathtub garden. You share so much creativity. Thanks for joining Gardens Galore!

  24. This beautiful post is a GARDEN feature on the July You're the STAR blog hop:


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