Sunday, May 28, 2017

Weekend Treasure Hunt

I just realized that I haven't done a Weekend Treasure Hunt post in a long time!    H and I have had a busy spring and have not had time to go yard sale-ing in a while,  but we "made time" on Saturday.   Sometimes you just have to make time to have fun don't you!

I always pick up large baskets when I find them at a good price.   The one on the left was $2 and the one on the right was $1.    I use them in my studio to store small items......I hang them on my bicycles......there are just so many ways you can use baskets.

If you follow my blog,   you know I use sheets in a lot of my decorating projects.     It's the best way to get large pieces of fabric for little money.

I find it hard to pass up vintage look shams since I use them in my outdoor decorating projects.    I found my family of 5 little pigs for $2 and plan to use them in a farmhouse style fairy garden.

More linens and farm animals.......

and I bet you aren't surprised to see MORE linens and farm!

H is the collector of Corning Ware in the family and he loves to use these small pieces with lids when he cooks.

I really liked the barbed wire handle on this metal basket.

I haven't seen a wicker Funeral basket in an long time and I was glad to get this one for $9.     In the background,   you can see how the food for our Memorial Day celebration is piling up on the Hoosier.    

Have a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend!


  1. Have a Happy Memorial Day, Penny- xo Diana

  2. Great items, Penny!! I love the baskets and that reminds me that I have a green one that I have not used in a while. I love the cute little pigs especially those depicting flying pigs!! And I laughed when I saw the corning ware because I have those same 2 pieces but they were bought for me at my wedding shower!! 39 years ago and I still use them!! Great finds!! Have a wonderful weekend with your family celebrating the Holiday. I am off Monday night so we will be doing our cook in tomorrow evening.....

  3. I find great buys on pillow shams at Salvation Army and Goodwill, especially on half price days.

  4. Penny, love the pigs. I bypassed a standing pig for 99 cents only to change my mind and it was gone when I went back. I buy a lot of baskets at GW. I am curious. Does the end on the kitchen island slide out ? One of my favorite things in your home is that really long buffet cabinet. Will you show us that again?

  5. Very pretty finds! I especially love the baskets
    Hugs Alessandra

  6. Great finds, Penny!! Thanks for sharing at Dishing It & Digging It!

  7. Great finds. I love the vintage linens. So pretty.

  8. Penny I LOVE your pink piano stools! Awesome reuse of furniture!
    :) gwingal

  9. I always enjoy meeting another Penny--even if it's a fellow online blogger. I've also got two itsy bitsy corning casseroles that I rescued from my mother-in-law's basement (She wasn't much for cooking.) the lids are a thick, ugly plastic but the corning dishes are pristine with that lovely blue flower-like design. great for making individual cobblers.

  10. What great finds. Hope you had a great Memorial Day Weekend!

  11. I love baskets and you have some great finds here. Thanks for sharing with us at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. It is great to have you link up with us and look forward to our next link up. I'm sharing on social media.
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

  12. You had a banner thrifting day. I love the metal sign and the baskets. Thank you for sharing with #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I've shared on social media.

  13. What great finds! Thrifting is the best! Those linens are beautiful and I may or may not be a little jealous of the Corning Ware finds.

  14. You always find the coolest stuff at yard sales. I love the two old piano stools painted pink in your kitchen. Can't wait to see the farm animal fairy garden.

    1. Those old pillowcases are the best! So feminine and soft! Thank you for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  15. Great finds!! Thank you for sharing at #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty

  16. It looks like your yard sale adventure turned out really well. You picked up some nice linens and I can't wait to see the farm theme fairy garden!

  17. Lots of good treasures! Thanks Penny for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I shared this post.

  18. Thank you so much for sharing this at the Farmhouse Friday link party! Pinned! :)


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