Monday, September 18, 2017

Our Greenhouse got Crushed by a Big Tree Limb

A week ago we went out in the backyard to find a big tree limb had broke off the tree next to the greenhouse.....

And had fallen smack dab on top of the!    
 Well,  I wasn't laughing when it happened,  but I can now as no one was hurt and there was no damage to the greenhouse.

The only fatality was the birdhouse that belonged to my dad.

It has been a long week,   but the tree is finally off the greenhouse......

And the clean up has begun.    
 We had our daughter, son in love,  7 grands and 1 great grand over here yesterday and got most of it cleaned up.      I'll be back soon with an update on our progress.

We have quite a few stacks of firewood and I have a stack of wood for some projects!    H cut some wood slices this morning and made me a tired stand.    I love how he put it together using the top part of an old handle from a well used shovel.

I created a fall vignette on the small buffet in the family room dining area.    (Try to overlook all the glare in the photos from the sun coming thru the window. )  

I decided to design my vignette using lavender as my main color.    I can't wait to show you the reason I chose to use lavender.  .    ( Hint.......I found some vintage dishes over the week end at a yard sale that have touches of lavender in them  I'll be using them in my tablescape later this week.)  
  Along with my new wood slice tiered stand,   I have a floral design in my vignette, a lavender ceramic deer head candle holder,  baby boo pumpkins,  and  a plastic pumpkin that I covered in lavender lace.

My grand daughter has beautiful lavender roses in her front yard that are in full bloom.     She let me have the spent blooms to dry and I scattered the dried petals around the table.

Here's a close up of the pretty lavender lace I covered my pumpkin with.

H is going to make me a wood slice cake stand and some napkin rings with some of  tree wood.

I hope to make progress this week putting the flower bed in front of the greenhouse back to some kind of normal   Pretty much all the flowers in the bed were crushed,  oh well summer is almost over.
The first day of fall is Friday..... I think!


  1. So sorry about your tree! Glad everything and everyone is okay. I love the wooden stand! Looks great!

  2. Sorry to hear about your tree loosing a limb.
    Thankfully no one was injured and that your greenhouse wasn't damaged in anyway but oh, your poor birdhouse. Hope it salvageable and that birds have a home to come to again.
    Love you vignettes and aren't them wood slices wonderful? That old shovel handle....pure genus and so clever of an idea.
    Son In Love...........luv that

  3. Hi Penny, Glad your green house was a okay.I am just a week after Irma.But i get how easy it is to get some DIY ideas from the debry.I have a neighbor whose bamboo ended up in my yard -when I can dig my way to it I have lots of ideas.ButI could like you I am so blessed to be okay and my house and dog are fine.I could use H for a week.LOL does he want a trip to Florida ? Just kidding.Love your blog best part of my day.

  4. That is amazing that your green house had no damage, not so lucky for the tree. But everything worked out fine and you got a one of a kind awesome wood stand, and it comes with a story.Table scape looks welcoming.

  5. That tiered stand is so clever. Clever man!

  6. Glad the greenhouse survived. What a cute and clever idea your husband had. I love how you worked it right into your decorating. :) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  7. Love your tiered thats making lemonade out of lemons. Glad you are all safe, Sandi

  8. Thank goodness the greenhouse was okay and no one was injured. I laughed when I read your part on your "tired" display made from the wood. I assume you meant tiered. LOL It does make for a nice fall display!

  9. Thank god one one was hurt.. And the fall vignette is just fabulous..

  10. Sorry about your mess... I held my breath every time the tornado alerts came on last week during the hurricane. We have a huge old oak tree in our yard as well. I inherited a squirrel's nest after hurricane Matthew. I inherited a new smaller one after hurricane Irma. I repaid Miss Suzy with a bag of peanuts. We had some damage to our lanai. I now have a clean slate for fall decorating. We've thought about taking the tree out and replacing it with smaller fruit trees but I love his big old tree.

  11. So sorry for the fallen branch but glad you had all that help cleaning it up! Now as for the byproducts you have gotten resulting from the fallen tree.... they are AWESOME!! Love the tiered stand and the other platforms you used in your vignette. Can't wait to see what else!
    :) gwingal

  12. Glad everyone was ok and that you are making the most out of your disaster!

  13. The wooden stand is very original. I' m so sorry for Your tre
    Hugs Alessandra

  14. So sorry about the tree. But you were blessed. No damage, except for the birdhouse and you got that beautiful and one-of-a-kind 3-tiered stand out of the deal. I am happy everything ended well for you and your family.

  15. So glad to hear there was no major damage to your greenhouse! That stand is beautiful and I love the old handle. It just makes the whole thing work.

  16. I'm so glad that no one was hurt, but I am sorry to hear about your greenhouse! Love the pretty vignette you've made. Lavender is one of my favourite colours. Thank you so much for sharing, and for being a part of The Hearth and Soul Link Party.

  17. Penny,
    I am playing catch up again!!! I hve been busy decorating for Fall and Halloween and I am almost finished...
    Leave it to you and H. to make lemonade out of lemons so to speak.... LOVE the tier tray that H made of of the tree cuttings and the shovel through it is so unique and original!! I bet he could sell a whole bunch of them if he wanted to!!! Looks perfect in your vignette!! Stunning!!

  18. Thank goodness that the birdhouse was the only fatality. Someone really could have gotten hurt.

  19. I love that you have the tiered stand recreated from the tree branch! Thanks for sharing @Vintage Charm!

  20. I am all about this. Great job on this salvage project.

  21. Sorry about your tree coming down. Glad it didn't damage your greenhouse. You did get some cute wooden decor from it. Love the tiered wooden piece. The shovel handle is a great touch.
    I am featuring you tomorrow on TFT.

  22. I hope you put a note with the story and date of the tree branch on the bottom of the tiered tray. It is too great a story to get lost. The rustic-ness of it will be just great for fall decor! Glad the greenhouse was spared; you've put so much effort into it.


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