Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Christmas in the Studio.......Fairy & Gnome Village

I've had my studio for over 10 years and have never decorated it for Christmas.....until now.    I had no idea what I was missing,   this is FUN !  

You can see my Pilgrim couple in the kitchen and the lockers with the heart wreath hung on it is where I store my Valentine decor.   I'll share those later....but,  today I want to show you my rustic cabinet....

I still have most of the decorations I used to make my Fairy Gardens years ago.     I've kept them stored all this time in the studio in a rustic cabinet.    This cabinet may even be well beyond rustic to the point of maybe needing to  be considered trash,   but I still like it and thats all the matters....right?? 

I replaced the Grandmother Fairies that have been in the cabinet all this time with some that have a Christmacy look.

I even found a Gnome in the cabinet drawer where I store all the different supplies I have held onto to decorate the Fairy Gardens over the years

I found a little sleigh in one of the Christmas totes I've been going thru but I still haven't found a little reindeer to pull it.    I know I have some cute pink ones somewhere.....and I know they will show up at some time.....hmmm

I used 2 baby fairies that looked alike.    BUT I have a few more that my Grand daughter gave me that I'm saving  back when she's here and  her & I can put in the cabinet together

The area you can see in the background is my faux kitchen.    I have all the faux food stored in there that I use in my vignettes.....I'll give you a tour of the kitchen later.

Hope you'll had a fun Halloween!



  1. That does sound like a lot of fun to decorate and your village is so cute.

  2. How cute! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  3. I love all your warm and fun home decor, truly a delight to see!


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