Monday, October 31, 2022

Cozy Reading Nook in the Studio Decorated for Christmas


I have a cozy reading nook in my studio where I can relax with a cup of coffee and thumb thru my books for inspiration.     The grands often join me there and we read together so I added a whimsical touch to my Christmas decor in the Giraffe lamp!    I've never decorated the studio for Christmas before,   so the grands will have a big surprise waiting for them the next time they visit

Isn't this the cutest ornament ever?    A Giraffe dressed for the ballet.....what fun

Some mornings H and I enjoy having our coffee in the studio .....

I have all my favorite books that I can thumb thru.....

I have our Christmas mugs out ...... 
  I don't have a coffee pot in the studio so we just bring our coffee out in a plaid Christmas thermos

My old Christmas magazines are still my go to for inspiration

We can enjoy our coffee while watching the sun come up since the studio faces the East. 

Did you notice that the rug is different in the after picture?   
 My Studio is where I create,   but it also does double duty as a warehouse for stuff not being used in the house.     I changed the rug out in the family room this past summer and the blue one that was there found a new home in the studio.    I have 5 retired rugs in the studio so most of the concrete is covered ....remember my studio is just an over sized double garage 

I thought you might enjoy seeing where my Giraffe has been in past Christmas's.....

In 2019 he was hiding behind a tree.....

I made some changes in the decor in the sunroom a while back,    so his home will be in the studio for a while.    But,   you never know where he will show up


  1. I always love visiting your studio. So pretty and really 'reddy' for inspiration. So many ideas, so little time...LOL Hugs, and very lovely and comfy!

  2. Your reading nook in the studio looks fantastic! So comfy and cozy.
    Visiting today from FF#12&13

  3. I always love seeing your studio, Penny. I'm featuring this post on All About Home this evening. Thanks so much for always coming by and joining in. Happy Week!!


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