Saturday, June 10, 2023

Creating a Garden Lady for my Front Porch

I had began a Welcome to the Garden theme on the front porch when I realized that the 4th of July is just around the corner.     So,   I'm still doing the Garden Theme for my summer porch but with a   Patriotic twist for the 4th!

I wanted a Garden Lady for my porch,   but I needed a form to put her together on.     I have had a vintage scale sitting on the porch for several years and thought she would be perfect! 

Here's how my Plain Jane Scale has looked over the years......not a show stopper for sure.    In fact,  you are probably having a hard time even finding it in the 'forest" of plants that I have surrounding it.

The scale has turned out to be one of my best idea''s really heavy so it doesn't blow over in this Eastern New Mexico wind 

It was also one of the quickest projects I've tackled in a long time.     I found her hat at Walmart,   I already had the dress on hand,    I wore the denim jacket for years and it finally got a big hole in the elbow part of the sleeve and I had to retire it    I don't remember where her medal came from,    I've had it forever.

I already had the boot centerpiece put together and sitting in the Patriotic area of the studio.    It's been patiently sitting there just waiting for me to find a good spot to use is Perfect here!

I had just finished creating my Waddle on Inn a few days probably saw that post already but here's a link to it just in case you haven't......

Anyway,   I took some of the existing decor away and replaced it with Patriotic decor....  

I'll probably bring that decor back out after the 4th.....or I may just leave all the Patriotic decor out a little longer.

I already had quite a bit of Patriotic decor on hand out in the studio so it was easy to do my shopping out there for my quick change.     Here's a link to the post where I shared how I store my Red,  White and Blue in the studio......

I finished up by hanging a wreath on the front door and WA LA,    I'm ready to work on my Garden theme for the porch again! 

H has made a lot of changes to the front porch,   and I can't wait to share them with you!


  1. I love your porch and this lady adds plenty of character to it.

  2. I always love visiting your porch and yard. She's lovely and a great greeter for the July season.


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