Sunday, August 13, 2023

My First Fall Floral Design Features Pink Sunflowers

The star of my first fall design is surprise to anyone......PINK sunflowers!

I haven't shared the hall in a long time because the decor hadn't changed since June 2022.

I packed up everything that had been there for over a year and started with a clean slate....

I like to use metal containers for my floral designs because I can stick anything I want to it with magnet tape.      I chose a pink tractor print on Etsy and printed it right here at home.....can't get much easier than that !

I'm still working on the new decor for the lit cabinet,   but I will be back soon with a post sharing how it turned out.

I brought my garden lady in from the back yard to be part of my new design for the hallway.

Some of you may remember seeing her Memorial Day,   but if you didn''s a link to that post....


I have also been adding a little fall to the hall bath,   so I'll be back soon with a post sharing how I decorated for fall in there.    Yep,  I'm putting a few touches of fall decor in my! 

When I was taking photo's of the hallway,   at one point I thought this Rooster might look better on this end of the table.... a big no,   I like it better on the other end.

I wouldn't be surprised if you don't remember how the hall looked over a year ago.    If you want to see that post's a link to it.....

I'll be back soon with a post sharing lots of photo's of the lit cabinet!


  1. Hi, Penny. Your home is the only place I can think of for pink sunflowers...and you use them to the enth degree of gorgeous. Mixed with the yellow it really pops. Hugs, Sandi

  2. Very pretty Penny, I love the pink sunflowers. I am happy to feature your lovely post at Love Your Creativity.

  3. I love the hallway changes Penny, but I also like the before too! The pinks are always so calming to me, loving your pink sunflowers! Such a cute idea.

  4. Well, you did an amazing job on your fall floral arrangement, Penny. I love using different colors of sunflowers in my fall decor... and pink is so "happy". I'm delighted to be sharing your post at Tuesday Turn About this week! Pinned!


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