Friday, September 8, 2023

Fall Decorating....Pastel Autumn Decor in the Kitchen

I don't use a calendar to tell me when it's time to decorate our home for a holiday or season      If I have an idea and the time ....I JUST DO IT!       Decorating should be fun....not just another chore!

I've been blessed with a large kitchen and it doesn't decorate itself over!    

I shared the fall decor on the stove about a week,  I have moved down the counter to the corner and decorated it for fall. 

In this fall vignette,   I have a picture of a beautiful fall kitchen.....

A big pink pumpkin with a lace collar ....measuring cups topped with a small white pumpkin,   and a blue mason jar themed  set of measuring spoons....

I have yet to see a falling leaf...but it will happen soon....

I shared the corner counter on the other end of the stove in an earlier post.     BUT....I have been to the pumpkin patch since then....
I replaced a faux pumpkin with this gorgeous real one....It's a very soft orange color.....

Here's the faux pumpkin that was in the vignette earlier....faux is ok,   but there is nothing like a real pumpkin!

I also stopped by the garden center and picked up a couple of pretty mum plants.    I have them in the sink getting a good watering....

My potted mums still have lots of buds and will be in full bloom soon....

Thank you so much for stopping by.....hugs!



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