Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Late Summer Mantle in the Master Bedroom

The beautiful flower beds in our backyard were my inspiration for the late summer Flower Barn mantel that I created for the master bedroom......

There are several elements to my Flower Barn......

The first element is a chicken wire box that I used as a lift to give my barn a little more height.....  

Then I extended the width of my Flower Barn by placing a vintage sewing machine drawer on each end of my "chicken wire lift"

I filled the sewing machine drawers with flowers and greenery 


And the final touch for the sewing machine drawers were a couple of sweet girls picking flowers ..... 


Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog.....come back soon!

1 comment:

  1. Outstanding and love it, so well done for sure. Wish I had space and your flair
    Found your post on Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop.
    My entries this week are numbered #59+60.
    Hope you will join/share M-Sat at


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