Blog Archive

Friday, August 16, 2024

Jewel Tea Percolator Autumn Vignette

It's too hot to work in the yard, so I've been staying inside where it's cool..... 

I would like to say I've been relaxing all day, but I can't!    That's just not!     

I've been staying busy creating fall vignettes on the kitchen counters.   

 In this vignette,    there is a ceramic cake,  an apple pie candle on a very old mixer    and an Apple Harvest Bakery framed print.

I created this vignette using a Jewel Tea Percolator that belonged to my Mother.....

Sometimes I use my percolator as one piece,   and sometimes I break it up into two pieces. 

Which way do you like it the best?

We do all our meal prepping on the big island, so I don't normally put any "clutter" on it.    We are eating out tonight so I broke my own rule and placed a pretty floral design there.   I love the way it looks, but first thing tomorrow it will have to go back to the coffee table where it came from!



  1. Very pretty, thanks for the post! I like the percolator in 2 pieces but that's just me.

  2. Love that percolator. Precious.
    Found your post on A pinch of Joy. My entries this week are numbered #41+42
    Hope you will join/share M-Sat at

  3. Love the Jewel tea percolator! One of my treasures is a Jewel teapot that my neighbor gave me as a four year old watching them load a truck to move. The lady brought out the teapot, showed me where the spout was chipped and told me that made it perfect for my doll tea parties. It's moved at least six times since then and always finds a place of honor somewhere -- chip or not!

  4. Penny, your kitchen is lovely and so perfect for fall. i am ready for some cooler temps and pretty fall decor. Thanks for sharing at Love Your Creativity.


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