Blog Archive

Monday, March 17, 2025

Spring is in the Air

I've combined St Paddy's Day......Easter.....and the first day of spring all together in my favorite sunny corner of the kitchen....

I'm giving a shout out to spring with the addition of a big Cherry Blossom tree in the kitchen...

I created a spring-scape in the Hoosier........

A big bunny is sitting in my chair....that's ok.....she can sit in my lap when I want to sit

And last but not least is a nod to Saint Patrick's Day

And...... a Shamrock plant sitting on the windowsill completes the "NOD"  I was going for......

I'm still not feeling up to par ..... I tire pretty quick and can't seem to shake my cough....but all in all can't complain! 

Thank for stopping by....come back soon!


  1. Penny, I haven't visited your blog in such a long time and I totally forgot how lovely your home is. You certainly have a way of creating an enchanting and delightful environment. Now I'm going to scroll down and look at some of your past posts :)


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