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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Update on my Spring Kitchen

I usually bring out the "Bunnies and Tulips" about the 1st of April,  so I'm just about right on schedule! 

The tulips are lovely, but the Bunnies look a little!


I felt it was about time to update the widow treatment in the kitchen 

It really opened up the window when I took down the Battenburg lace panels

I put a vintage window on the ledge and then filled in around it with plants.   I decided to use a crocheted piece that belonged to my Mother as a valance to complete the look.....

The Blue skies and green grass you can see out the kitchen window just scream spring.....and the blooms on the trees are a welcome sign that summer is on the way!

We recently made a few other changes in the kitchen!   
 H removed the snack bar at the end of the island and took down the shelves between the doors next to the refrigerator.... 
I also removed the black cages on the chandelier ....

We almost never ate at the snack bar and it was a pain to get anything out of the cabinet under it!     As a bonus,  it is nice to have three more drawers available
All the shelves that H took out of the doors were a pain to decorate.....the cart is much easier!

The Battenburg panels hid over half of the windowsill and hung down low enough that it was awkward to put anything under them.  

I love all the changes that we made!


  1. You are just so creative and the window is lovely, very pretty with the crochet. I bet you like the extra room at the end of the island as well as easy access to the cabinets and drawers. You do look like spring has sprung in your yard. We're quite a way off still but we'll get there.
    Have a good week!

  2. It’s beautiful! I love the light airiness! It’s so springy!


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