Blog Archive

Friday, February 21, 2025

Lovin" Lavender for Spring

When decorating our home,   pink & white are my "go to colors".......

  I stepped way out of my comfort zone and used lots of lavender to give the hall bath a fresh look for spring.....and of course, white and touches of PINK! 

 I found some candlesticks that I hadn't used in years.....they look perfect next to the lavender wreath....

I still need to find some small battery candles to put on my candlesticks..... 

but otherwise, the hall bath is pretty much finished....FOR NOW!        

I love to print out clip art to use in my projects.....

I changed the window treatment a little.....

I normally just have a piece of stained glass in the window .....

I may add a couple of bunnies as it gets closer to Easter!



  1. I know I've commented on the mirrors before, they're awesome. Love the new look! Have a good weekend!

  2. WOW, this is so incredibly beautiful. Love, love love it.
    Saw this awesome post at French Ethereal.
    My entries this week #23+24
    Please share with SSPS:

  3. Love it. Lavender is so pretty. My favorite color.


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